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SOE Limitation Removal

Many pilots take their initial jet or turboprop type ratings in a Level D FSS. Unless you have prior Jet/Turboprop time and previous Type Ratings - FAR 61.64 requires a PIC limitation to be added. This is also known as Supervised Operating Experience (SOE).

To remove this SOE limitation - you'll need to provide signed logbook entries from the PIC of each flight, attesting that you were supervised by him/her performing the duties as the PIC (PF).


If you're removing a 61.167 (R-ATP) restriction, then bring your logbooks to prove your aeronautical experience. If you're removing a PIC-in-type limitation, then bring proof that you have twenty-five hours of supervised operating experience (SOE: flying, not monitoring). If you're removing both limitations, then bring it all, of course.

Prior to booking an appointment, fill out an application in IACRA and make sure you do the following:  


Login as an applicant and pick the 'Limitation Removal without a Practical Test' path

• the certificate that you select is ATP.
• the request that you select is limitation removal.
• you specify the specific limitation on the form.
• Part II is blank.
• you complete Parts III and IV.
• the DPE certifies that they've reviewed your logbook and/or training record.
• The appropriate attachments are selected on the form and included. If you're submitting two forms, make sure that the correct paperwork is attached to each form.

Once your IACRA application is submitted, fill out the appointment request form here to set up an appointment to remove the limitations:  


Cell:  757-404-8285

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